
  1. Chemicals
  2. Health & beauty care products
  3. Paint and adhesives
  4. Cosmetics
  5. Pharmaceuticals

Paper & Foil Converter

  1. Paper Bag and related manufacturing
  2. Plastic foil for bagging products

Textile, Fashion and Apparel

  1. Multi-style, size colour matrix
  2. Knitting of greige fabric
  3. Dyeing with Dye Lot control
Mexican Workers filling orders at Bakery Workshop

Food & Beverages

  1. Bakeries and Confectionery
  2. Pies and ready cooked prepared meals
  3. Meat processing (see non discrete above)
  4. Beverages and fruit drinks
  5. Sugary beverages requiring SBL control

Steel & Metal Working

  1. Fabrication and Metal products
  2. Brass and copper products
Industrial packing plastic film for food products

Plastics, Injection Moulding

  1. Plastics, injection moulding
  2. Blow moulding extrusion
  3. Tool, Die and mould control

Wood Working

  1. Furniture
soldering iron tips of automated manufacturing soldering and assembly pcb board


  1. PC boards
  2. Electronic devices and controls
background image with superimposed architectural drawings,shallow depth of field


  1. Light and heavy engineering works

Livestock, Chicken Farming and Abattoir

  1. Beef feedlot control